Images That Sell brand logo

Julie and Sali Stevanja AKA Style Runner have left no detail to chance with their latest venture.  And It seems only logical that after the success of Style Runner Woman the team at Style Runner would launch Style Runner Man.  Once again, they called upon Images That Sell to provide them with their photographic content.

StyleRunner Man has it’s own unique flavour that sets it apart from the Women’s luxury sports wear site.  They have used the same slick shopping environment used for Style Runner Woman to show off there latest products.  A custom made e-commerce platform that they have tailored to give them the edge in todays competitive online world.

We worked very closely with Style Runner to advise them on how to best represent the products on this new venture.  We opted for a more relaxed feeling for the mens clothing, The products were mostly shot using flay lay technique rather than ghost mannequin.  The quality of the images lacks nothing, showing detailed colour representation on both model shots and flat-lay images.  We feel the overall quality of the imagery is stronger than any other E-comeerce site we have seen to date.

Let us know what you think




Studio 6b
6b Ponsonby Road
Auckland 1011

