Images That Sell brand logo

David Jones and Amazon both announced this week they would be spending more time and money on high quality photography for their respective online websites.

David Jones appears serious about its attempt to create an “omni-channel” environment, a process it announced several weeks ago, in a move that is set to cost millions. Its web store will now hold more than 90,000 items – 10 times more than it holds right now.

Too many businesses underestimate the impact high quality photography can have. When a shopper searches for a product online, they can’t see it or touch it – but the media that allows them to forget that disadvantage will always be appreciated.

This means high quality photos, videos, and other media will give customers more comfort when purchasing something they’ve never laid their hands on before. This is why making the investment in good photography will never go to waste – the customer will always appreciate it and it will tip them over the edge to buy.

If you haven’t invested in good photography, then you should. It’ll cost you, but will ultimately pay back in the long-term. It’s simply essential in an online environment.




Studio 6b
6b Ponsonby Road
Auckland 1011

